So real question for you…
When’s the last time you did a dopeness inventory?
Like when is the last time you sat and reviewed the reasons why you are dope?
What are the things about yourself that you like the most?
I challenge you to pause, take 3 minutes and draft a list.
Title it “(Your Name) Dopeness Inventory”
Am I serious?
Look, I’ll event start you of with one.
1) I am dope because I take active efforts in personal development
*poetry snaps*
Continue on…
I’ll be here when you’re done with it, K? Go!
*insert hold music*
Hopefully you really paused and you now have a list in front of you that brings a sense of joy. A healthy sense of pride.
Next question is, what can you appreciate more about yourself?
Would you say that you are doing the best you can in your studies?
your friendships?
your family life?
at work?
the community?
your looove life?
There is some place in your life that you are putting in WORK so I want you to take the time to acknowledge that today, right now.
There will always be room for improvement in some areas that we may be borderline ashamed about (which we can work on later) but today we focus on why we are dope.
It is important to be able to appreciate yourself not just for you but for those around you that you care about.
When you appreciate yourself you are kinder to yourself. You hold yourself accountable not in an authoritative way, but, like a loving guardian.
When you appreciate yourself you actually create fuel to reach heights that you might not have imagined for yourself.
It is so important and very powerful…
Even when we fail to receive appreciation outside of ourselves… matter of fact! Especially when we fail to receive appreciation from people we care about sometimes, we still have the appreciation that we carry for ourselves.
It matters. Please do not dismiss it.
We have a higher power that we appreciate and appreciates us by the gift of purpose beating in our chest.
How does that make you feel? You are so special that you are here today, existing, continuously becoming the best version of yourself… taking measures like listening to podcasts that water your mind.
Cheers to you friend.
Coach Honey