Journey Life Coach Honey Coaching.jpg

General Coaching Areas

Self-Discovery / Rediscovering Self

Improving Relationships

Purpose and Passion

Better Communication

Getting “Unstuck”

Abundance Mentality

Success and Fulfillment

Visionary and Creative Work



Countering Toxic Thoughts


What Are Life Coaches?

Life coaches act as change agents in a collaborative relationship with each individual.  We catalyze movements forward in life while helping you to purposefully shape the life you desire

The beautiful thing about a life coaching relationship is that you have someone outside of yourself that is dedicated to your success, your fulfillment and to holding you accountable along the way. 

Benefits of Having A Life Coach

You better manage your EMOTIONS so that you can show up in the world, in your RELATIONSHIPS, in your CAREER, in your ART, and in your COMMUNITY how you were meant to.

You reach your goals faster than you would alone.

You gain understanding of why you’re not getting results and how to start.